Playlist for May 5, 2003, 10pm-1am
Background: Music from Japan - Nonesuch Explorer
Cattivo - Evil - and His Orchestra - Ecco
N,C - Unidentified - I Lost My Girl to an Argentinean Cowboy - American Song-Poem Anthology - Bar None
Syd Barrett - Feel - Madcap Laughs
Piranhas - Redundant - s/t - On/On Switch
N - Hookers - Crush - s/t - Cold Crush
Oxes - Say Something to Bees About Not Praying and Don’t Bothering - Arab on Radar 10” - Watange
N - Thermals - Goddamn the Light - More Parts Per Million - SubPop
N - Party of Helicopters - Delta ’88 - Please Believe it - Velocette
Pink Lincolns - Heros - Sumo Fumes 3 7”
Peter Brötzmann and Hamid Drake - Dark Wings Carry Off the Sky - The Dried Rat-Dog - Okka
R - Dickies - Communication Breakdown - Suckas Over Disneyland - Jem
R - Descendents - Catalina - Milo Goes to College
R - Sex Pistols - Problems - Never Mind the Bullocks
R - Microphones - Karl Blau - It Was Hot, We Stayed in the Water - K
N - Gossip - Confess - Movement - Kill Rock Stars
Pylon - Feast on my Heart - Gyrate
Inner Thumb - Soul Ecstasy (Instrumental Version) - Soul Ecstasy Soundtrack - Emperor Norton
N - Orchestra Baobab - Wer Ente Serigne - Pirates Choice - World Circuit/Nonesuch
Azita - On the Road - Enantiodromia - Drag City
Jackson C. Frank - Just Like Anything - s/t - Castle
N - Robert Ashley - Wolfman Tape - Wolfman - Alga Marghen
N - Beans - Walking By Night - Tomorrow Right Now - Warp
Püng - The Specialist - State of Youth 4” - No Idea
N - Mindflayer - I Fell in a Pool of Crawling Chaos - Take Your Skin Off - Bulb
Olivier Messiaen - Dance of Fury, for 7 Trumpets - Quartet for the End of Time (performed by Tashi) - RCA Gold Seal
Various Artists - No. 8 (ae2 mix by Autechre) - 8, 8.5, 9 and Remixes - Fat Cat
N - Oranges Band - Keep Your Teeth - All Around - Lookout
Quicksand - Omission - 7” - Revelation
C - Faun - Flexible Jaw - Strength Through Ooij - Waaghals
Townes Van Zandt - To Live’s To Fly - Absolutely Nothing - Normal
N - Dub Narcotic Sound System - Sabley Goodness - Hand Clappin’- K
N - The Fall - The Classical - In a Hole + - Cog Sinister
Pressgang - City Lights - Self-destroyed - Bloodlink
N - Iota - Precints - s/t - Shadoks
C - N. Zimmer - Scanners Live in Vain - Technology Doesn’t Stop the Imp Next Door
C - Three Shades of Blue - Gdje Je Ked Kuce, Mama - A Boy Named Sue - Trikont
Robbie B?sho - Pavan Hindustani - B?shovia - Takoma
C - Walter Ruttman - Wochende (Weekend) - An Anthology of Noise and Electronic Music Vol. 1 - Sub Rosa
Fred Frith/Ensemble Modern - Freeway/Shadow of a Tree on Sand - Traffic Continuer - Winter and Winter
-that piranhas s/t is really good, perhaps better than their latest on in the red. apparently the vinyl version of this album plays from the inside out
-the pink lincolns cover of bowie and the dickies cover of zeppelin were both quite nice. I should do an a show of just covers at some point
-I saw peter brotzmann, hamid drake, and william parker play at Penn last friday. it was an amazing show. I would give a full description, but that would be really long. in short, the three played really well together and created a great cacophony. perhaps the best show I've seen so far this year.
-I thought I had seen every format of vinyl (6", 7", 8.5", 10", 12") and along comes this pung 4". I think the world is going to explode
-the mindflayer song is perhaps the most appropriately titled song ever; the technology... comp had the best album title ever
-the messiaen piece was basically all the quartet playing in unison for 6 minutes, but what a unison 6 minutes it is! I first heard about this piece from reading john szwed's biography of sun ra (who was apparently greatly influenced by messiaen's mysticism)
-I was pleasantly surprised by the track from the boy named sue comp. I have no idea what johnny cash song that is, but damn it was cool
-the walter ruttman piece is probably the earliest ever piece of audio-collage. it's intended as a radio play that depicts a weekend in berlin or some such city. since it was created around 15 years before the invention of magnetic tape, all the sounds were recorded on celluloid film (ie movie reel film); the sounds are represented as various blobs that were then decoded when projected onto a special machine. it's really cool stuff. I heard about this in this really great class on radio that I took this semester along with jannon.
-fred frith is uniformly great. the song confused both me and the dj after me because we both thought he was mixing something into it. nope, just the song.
-calls of note: 1)request for "my favorite" dickies cover. 2) request for a sid vicious song (that I don't know if we had) or the sex pistols. 3) a guy calling up wanting to know where to pick up men at princeton (perhaps the strangest call I've ever gotten short of the guys doing acid in their car). 4) andrew (former classical director) wanting to hear me play a specific station id.