Noise Annihilates Top 21s
2002 is over. This means that it's time to put together a best of list. my list has assumed numerous forms in the past couple weeks as I continued to edit it and discover albums I had forgotten about. I had originally planned on having seperate lists for new releases, reissues, and compilations. but I'm not that creative, so I just lumped them all into one large list. if that bothers you, too fucking bad. it's my list and not yours. I'm pretty sure at some point soon there will be a full set of WPRB DJ best of lists on
WPRB's website, though I don't know when. so here's my list. enjoy.
Top 21
1. COUNTRY TEASERS - Science Hat Artistic Cube Moral Nosebleed Empire - In The Red
2. CONSONANT - Consonant - Fenway
3. DIE TODLICHE DORIS - Kinderringellreihen Fur Wahren Toren Des Grals - Psychedelic Pig
4. SONIC YOUTH - Murray Street - Geffen / SY, ICP, THE EX - In The Fishtank - Konkurrent
5. THE DANCING CIGARETTES - 1980-1981: The Gulcher Recordings - Gulcher
6. V/A - The Silk Road: A Musical Caravan - Smithsonian Folkways
7. ROCKET FROM THE TOMBS - The Day the Earth Met... - Smog Veil
8. MALARIA! - Compiled 1981-84 - Moabit
9. THE HELLACOPTERS - Cream of the Crap - Gearhead
10. V/A - Songs In The Key of Z Volume 2 - Gammon
11. EL-P - Fantastic Damage / FanDamPlus - Definitive Jux
12. DON HOWLAND - Land Beyond The Mountains - Birdman
13. RUINS - 1986-92 - Skin Graft / Tzamborgha - Ipecac
14. V/A - Can't Stop It: Australian Post Punk 1978-82 - Chapter
15. HOT SNAKES - Suicide Invoice - Swami
16. DĂ„LEK - From Filthy Tongue of Gods and Griots - Ipecac
17. STICK MEN WITH RAY GUN - Some People Deserve to Suffer - Emperor Jones
18. THEORETICAL GIRLS - Theoretical Girls - Acute
19. SPEED KING - The Fist and the Laurels - Tiger Style
20. IANNIS XENAKIS - Peresepolis/Remixes - Asphodel
21. V/A - La Musica Della Mafia - PIAS
Honorable Mention
FAUST - Patchwork - Staubgold
THE MISS - No Radio - Morphius
PAUL LANSKY - Alphabet Book - Bridge
ORTHRELM/TOUCHDOWN - Split CD - Troubleman
V/A - Afro-Rock Vol. 1 - Evolver
V/A - Don't Shoot the Toy Piano Player: Live From WFMU - WFMU
V/A - Kicksville Vol. 2 - Norton
V/A - Africa Raps - Trikont
MATTHEW SHIPP - Songs - Splasc(h)
MAT MANERI - Sustain - Thirsty Ear
SUBTONIX - Tarantism - Troubleman
TOM WAITS - Alice/Blood Money - Anti-
DAVID S WARE - Freedom Suite - AUM Fidelity
BROTHER AH - Move Ever Onward - Ikef
KRONOS QUARTET - Nuevo - Nonesuch
THE PIRANHAS - Erotic Grit Movies - In The Red
VON LMO - Future Language - Munster